The CAMBIO project
"The CAMBIO project aims to synthesize knowledge from globally distributed tree diversity experiments to optimize the functioning of planted forests in a changing climate."

See our project video

Powered by a global
tree diversity network

Funded under the
Climate & Biodiversity Initiative

Closing the gap on forest restoration
Closing the gap between afforestation pledges of policy makers and effective restoration by practitioners requires support from science, to achieve resilient forests for the future.

Science guides towards diverse plantations
The global Tree Diversity Network (TreeDivNet) experimental plantations are at the forefront of understanding how higher tree diversity can promote tree growth and resistance to disurbances.

How does tree diversity in plantations promote climate change mitigation, i.e. growth and ultimately carbon sequestration potential, across various environmental contexts globally?
How does tree diversity promote climate change adaptation, i.e. a reduction in tree mortality, to create resilient forest plantations against extreme events in a changing climate?
What are trade-offs/synergies in the mitigation and adaptation potential across a broad range of tree species and species associations, and can this synthesized knowledge deliver a ‘best mixtures toolbox’ for major forest types across the world?
Make the science practical and the practice based on the best science. This way, CAMBIO aims to accelerate a transition from monocultures to biodiverse plantations in the context of climate change.